PosiGen Solar: 2023 Platinum Solar Award Winner

PosiGen Solar Honored as a Platinum Solar Award Winner for 2023 by

St Rose, Louisiana - PosiGen Solar, a renowned solar energy provider based in New Orleans, Louisiana, has been proudly named a recipient of the prestigious Platinum Solar Award for the year 2023 by This distinguished recognition acknowledges PosiGen's relentless commitment to delivering affordable solar PV systems, energy-efficient upgrades, and innovative payment options to residential and commercial customers across the nation.

Since its establishment in 2011, PosiGen Solar has not only been a key player in helping customers save money on energy bills but has also demonstrated a profound commitment to community enrichment, particularly in supporting low to moderate-income families through partnerships such as Habitat for Humanity. This focus on improving financial stability and providing sustainable solutions is a cornerstone of PosiGen's mission.

One of the standout features of PosiGen's offerings is its dedication to quality equipment, ensuring customers benefit from top-tier solar technology. The use of Silfab solar panels with a remarkable efficiency rating of over 19% and an extended performance guarantee of 30 years reflects PosiGen's commitment to reliability and longevity. Coupled with SolarEdge inverters, known for their 98% energy efficiency, PosiGen's solar solutions deliver exceptional value.

PosiGen's flexible payment models, including leasing and purchase options, cater to diverse customer needs and budgets. The unique "cancel anytime" feature, combined with fair relocation and equipment removal fees for those moving while under contract, exemplifies PosiGen's customer-centric approach. Additionally, PosiGen's web-based system monitoring ensures that customers can track their savings, energy storage, and system performance in real-time, reinforcing PosiGen's dedication to empowering customers.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Chad Zollinger | Director, Solar Awards |

About PosiGen Solar:

Founded in 2011 amidst the vibrant energy of New Orleans, Louisiana, PosiGen stands as a beacon of solar innovation, committed to transforming both residential and commercial spaces into energy-efficient powerhouses. With a focus on delivering solar PV systems and energy-efficient upgrades, PosiGen empowers customers to save money while embracing sustainable energy solutions.

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